
How Long Does It Take To Animate A Movie

How long does it take to animate an explainer video?

May 24, 2021 · 8 min read

A expert animated explainer video cannot be created in 1 day. How much time does it accept? Read on and find the answer .

How long does it take to animate an explainer video? 1
Epitome past SAM JI

Today, SaaS, PaaS, startups, and Information technology companies struggle to strengthen their online presence and observe the most effective ways to surpass the competitors. Using videos results in substantial growth in marketing: businesses find a 76% increase in traffic.

From the first glance, it seems that a video is a magic tool that helps to leap into a new-style business. Only how long does it take to animate static images that you've got used to publish on your website? Of course, it does not happen in a infinitesimal. An animated explainer video requires fourth dimension and resources, and if you lot are planning to practice it on your own; so get fix to expand your squad.

Even though you've probably never worked on creating and animative an explainer video, this commodity will requite y'all the reply to the question, 'How long does it have to animate 1 minute?' Nosotros will talk over standard timeline, stride-by-step development, strategy, concept art, character design, animation pattern, music, and sound furnishings. We hope this data will help you create the best-e'er explainer video!

The Standard Timeline

Explainer Video we at Fireart Studio created for Just Media

In full general, the standard timeline for creating an explainer video is about 6 weeks. However, it is not a total answer to the question 'How long does it accept to make an animation?' The timeline will mainly depend on the length of the video. Manifestly, it takes less fourth dimension to create a 15-2nd video than a 2-minute video. The longer the video is, the more time the product requires.

As well, the process of video creation consists of several of import steps. Each step requires spending some time and cannot be omitted. If one of the steps takes more or less time, the general timeline may change.

Pace by stride

Then what are the basic steps to create an explainer video? The preparatory stages are:

  • Conference

At this step, the company defines the goals of the video. And if the visitor works with contractors, answers to all questions come up in handy when creating a video. It gives a comprehensive idea virtually what to encompass in the explainer video.

  • Brainstorming.

According to Interaction Pattern Foundation, 'brainstorming is a method design teams apply to generate ideas to solve clearly defined design problems.' In our case, the trouble is a video. The whole team is working on generating ideas: some of them may be proficient, some bad. Just at the end of the process, the cardinal concept is born to be turned into a script.

  • Writing a script

Narration must exist coherent and cohesive, and script helps to accomplish that. The thought, the dialogues, the evolution of the characters – nosotros put everything in a script to go far interesting to the viewers. Each of these starting steps takes up to half dozen days. They help to create a foundation for the whole video. Every bit a rule, after dealing with them, it is possible to give a clearer estimation of how long does information technology take to make a 2d blithe motion picture.

The strategy of your video

When we are done with the starting time three steps, nosotros have a script, and we're fix to work. Nosotros need to develop a strategy: what the deadlines are, what people we need in our team, and how much more nosotros volition spend on the video cosmos. As a result of the strategizing, you volition become a detailed plan y'all will follow throughout making an blithe explainer video.

To succeed with the strategy, yous demand to have expert project managers in your squad. They will help to appraise the fourth dimension and resources needed for the upcoming stages.

Making a concept art

How long does it take to breathing 30 seconds for your business? In fact, the timeline can exist estimated at the stage of making concept art. A concept art affects the process and the result, and when you know what exactly you want to create, y'all can estimate how much time you will spend.

When you become a narration script, you lot do not get a visual representation of the video. You get just the idea. Simply when developing concept art, the first images start to announced, and you first to see what y'all will go far the end.

Concept art is necessary to institute understanding betwixt the product team and the designers. They need to stay on the same page and empathize what we all will see equally a result.

Graphic symbol and graphic design

How long does it take to animate an explainer video? 2
Prototype by Fireart Studio

So, you git script and a concept gear up. Now, it'southward time to design characters. What practise they like? What are their facial expressions for different emotions? What colors should be used? What are the settings? At this step, the designers work on the tiniest details of the illustrations. The matter is that the following – the animation stage – requires all graphic designs made perfectly. Otherwise, the quality of the video will be poor. This process is time-consuming and may take upwards to 2 weeks.

When creating the character and graphic design, a designer should remember the blazon of animation used in this explainer video: 2nd or 3D. It'due south of import, as the answer to the question 'how long does it take to make a 3d animation and 2d animation' will mainly depend on the kind of moving-picture show you need.

Blitheness design

The real magic happens at this stage. We take a script, nosotros have grapheme and graphic designers, and now it is time to put them in a whole and create dynamic scenes!

The designers will employ software to bring life to the story scene by scene to make information technology happen. Once again, information technology cannot happen in a minute, equally the procedure is long and rather complicated. Depending on the length of the video, it unremarkably takes from 5 to 15 days.

How long does it take to make a 2d animation? If it's a xxx-2d video, information technology will have about 5 days; if it's a 2-minute video, about xv days. Remember that blitheness blueprint depends on the quality of character and graphic designs. If something is missing over in that location, the blitheness may turn into a complicated and fourth dimension-consuming process.


Now we have almost everything for our explainer video. Information technology'southward high fourth dimension to brand information technology real! And the animating step of the process gets the visual outcome: our characters are moving, the settings are irresolute, the emotions are depicted, and the whole story is alive.

Nevertheless, it is not the stop. The visual part of the video has huge importance. But we're non living in a world where silent movies are popular. Time to make the picture speak!

Music and sounds effects

Have you ever noticed how music and sound furnishings can change the perception of a video? Great sound effects make the story more than realistic, and proper music sets the right atmosphere. There is one more point regarding sound to mention when talking about explainer videos: voiceover.

Professional voiceover is obligatory for a video. The sound behind the screen helps to stay in contact with the audience and explain some complicated moments. Therefore, think about hiring voice actors. Remember that they ought to be native speakers; otherwise, you tin can have problems with accents on your video!

How to create an explainer video without rush and stress?

If you have never created animated explainer videos independently, information technology may exist a rather challenging process for y'all. The direction of creating a video is perhaps even more complicated than creating illustrations and adding animation. To follow the timeline, one must empathize what happens at each phase, how long it takes to breathing every grapheme, and when every process starts.

Not ready for such challenges? We at Explain Ninja are ready to assist you! Our team of professional artists volition create the characters your audition will love. We will create a voiceover that will become the real voice of your business. And of class, our managers volition make the whole process shine and easy. You will get the results that you expect! Don't hesitate to contact u.s. if yous want to discuss the process or the prices. Nosotros will be glad to hear back from you!


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